SQLite format 3@ .  ? ^ B 8Ed\%/sindexnumber_indexnumber_key_valuesCREATE INDEX number_index ON number_key_values(key)T!+kindextext_indextext_key_valuesCREATE INDEX text_index ON text_key_values(key)<Sindexkey_indexkeysCREATE INDEX key_index ON keys(key)H ']indexspecies_indexspeciesCREATE INDEX species_index ON species(Z)W -uindexcalculator_indexsystems CREATE INDEX calculator_index ON systems(calculator)Q )mindexusername_indexsystems CREATE INDEX username_index ON systems(username)H #aindexctime_indexsystems CREATE INDEX ctime_index ON systems(ctime)T +qindexunique_id_indexsystems CREATE INDEX unique_id_index ON systems(unique_id)[##tableinformationinformation CREATE TABLE information ( name TEXT, value TEXT)*//tablenumber_key_valuesnumber_key_valuesCREATE TABLE number_key_values ( key TEXT, value REAL, id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES systems(id))$++tabletext_key_valuestext_key_valuesCREATE TABLE text_key_values ( key TEXT, value TEXT, id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES systems(id))sItablekeyskeysCREATE TABLE keys ( key TEXT, id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES systems(id)) otablespeciesspeciesCREATE TABLE species ( Z INTEGER, n INTEGER, id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES systems(id))P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)etablesystemssystemsCREATE TABLE systems ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, -- ID's, timestamps and user name unique_id TEXT UNIQUE, ctime REAL, mtime REAL, username TEXT, numbers BLOB, -- stuff that defines an Atoms object positions BLOB, cell BLOB, pbc INTEGER, initial_magmoms BLOB, initial_charges BLOB, masses BLOB, tags BLOB, momenta BLOB, constraints TEXT, -- constraints and calculator calculator TEXT, calculator_parameters TEXT, energy REAL, -- calculated properties free_energy REAL, forces BLOB, stress BLOB, dipole BLOB, magmoms BLOB, magmom REAL, charges BLOB, key_value_pairs TEXT, -- key-value pairs and data as json data BLOB, natoms INTEGER, -- stuff for making queries faster fmax REAL, smax REAL, volume REAL, mass REAL, charge REAL)-Aindexsqlite_autoindex_systems_1systems dd(M|,{,lu 18b5cdfb0056a002f57f3549f5b24d1f@7~j@9%ab>xhecc/////////////////////////////////////////////kF=@^@89@ '@+w@:pΈR@4Op'@LTo lU@r3܀o@89@ '@hnU@3mJS@4Op'@Dio!@:pΈR@4Op'@X5;$@h?RDu@2&@vN$@^@89@ '@HȰw'@>W[_@2&@7l[`*@h?RDu@2&@,w?ϛT?ܵ|0"@HȰw@+ @ܵ|0"@"@`@ v6"@`Ù@ϛT?ܵ|0"@n`@7 @iW!'E"@LTo lU@ܵ|@iW!'E"@hnU@ c AJ? v6"@%P6!@7 @iW!'E"@gDio$@`@ v6"@HȰw@ W?mnL@X0_@Pp@4i@V`v@HP@4i@> |@y]"?4i@hnU@I5@<@'UH!@HP@4i@s!@y]"?4i@.=$@Pp@4i@HȰw'@)?@M(D@( @ꭁR@{>@HȰw@ R@{>@HȰw@{>@hnU@ꭁR@{>@g!@ R@{>@HȰw@{>@(rw?ꭁR@{>@HȰw@ R@{>@{>@(rw? W?*-9?HȰw@ W @*-9?D!T@g ͵@*-9?( @ W?*-9?+ٱw@ W @*-9?LTo lU@g ͵@*-9?hnU@ W?*-9?g!@ W @*-9?F%u$@g ͵@*-9?HȰw@ W?aۢ(@g!@g@h|@;@@[{"name": "FixAtoms", "kwargs": {"indices": [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]}}]vasp{}]j)]eOlOb{i?Ң>]U\&fe`臭S?S{ǁWm?U\臭cS{&fe`?臭S?S{A)ZUg^H?qb{i??Ң>]U\g^XqA)ZU?g^H?qkHcCWt^cJjt^cZ?jt>