
Axis x y z Periodic
1 8.800 0.000 0.000 True
2 4.400 7.621 0.000 True
3 0.000 0.000 33.531 True
Lengths: 8.800 8.800 33.531
Angles: 90.000 90.000 60.000
band structure
Key Value
Uniqe row ID 326
Total energy -116.344 eV
Maximum force 0.010 eV/Ang
Maximum stress on unit cell 0.006 eV/Ang3
Sum of atomic masses in unit cell 4858.072 au
Age 16.792 months
Dipole_val -0.023
ads_E -0.028
ads_site 2h
atom_E 0.002
ASE-calculator name vasp
Net charge in unit cell 0.000 |e|
distance 3.704
Chemical formula Ag45He
Magnetic moment -0.000 au
Number of atoms 46
Periodic boundary conditions [ True True True]
plane_index 111
slab_E -116.318
str_E -116.344
Random (unique) ID 513e3c6fc564683cf80b39d6b6dfdd20
Username hecc
Volume of unit cell 2248.827 Ang3