Axis | x | y | z | Periodic |
1 | 8.895 | 0.000 | 0.000 | True |
2 | 0.000 | 8.895 | 0.000 | True |
3 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 33.546 | True |
Lengths: | 8.895 | 8.895 | 33.546 |
Angles: | 90.000 | 90.000 | 90.000 |
band structure | |||
dos |
Key | Value |
Uniqe row ID | 11 |
Total energy | -167.652 eV |
Maximum force | 0.005 eV/Ang |
Maximum stress on unit cell | 0.011 eV/Ang3 |
Sum of atomic masses in unit cell | 10659.184 au |
Age | 16.528 months |
Items | |
Dipole_val | -4.669 |
ads_E | -2.363 |
ads_site | 2f |
atom_E | -0.225 |
ASE-calculator name | vasp |
Net charge in unit cell | 0.000 |e| |
distance | 2.111 |
Chemical formula | Au54Na |
Magnetic moment | -0.000 au |
Number of atoms | 55 |
Periodic boundary conditions | [ True True True] |
plane_index | 100 |
slab_E | -165.064 |
str_E | -167.652 |
Random (unique) ID | 353e83a7b8dc36f6a455db57b5a3c739 |
Username | hecc |
Volume of unit cell | 2654.442 Ang3 |