
Axis x y z Periodic
1 19.647 -0.042 0.071 True
2 -0.042 19.513 -0.054 True
3 0.071 -0.054 19.612 True
Lengths: 19.647 19.513 19.612
Angles: 90.317 89.584 90.248
band structure
Key Value
Uniqe row ID 252
Total energy -592.968 eV
Maximum force 0.193 eV/Ang
Maximum stress on unit cell 0.000 eV/Ang3
Sum of atomic masses in unit cell 738.804 au
Age 52.685 months
ASE-calculator name vasp
Net charge in unit cell 0.000 |e|
Chemical formula C60H18
Number of atoms 78
Periodic boundary conditions [ True True True]
perms_num 1
Random (unique) ID ec17d3a4e0704747433fdd037674e9be
Username mse-gucc
Volume of unit cell 7518.370 Ang3