
Axis x y z Periodic
1 0.007 3.629 3.631 True
2 3.645 -0.009 3.647 True
3 3.636 3.636 0.000 True
Lengths: 5.133 5.156 5.142
Angles: 60.094 59.947 60.003
band structure
Key Value
Uniqe row ID 105
Total energy -133.527 eV
Maximum force 0.007 eV/Ang
Maximum stress on unit cell 0.000 eV/Ang3
Sum of atomic masses in unit cell 196.151 au
Age 47.623 months
C_rate 0.375
ASE-calculator name vasp
Net charge in unit cell 0.000 |e|
Chemical formula B5C6N5
gap 0.901
mean_energy 0.518
Number of atoms 16
Periodic boundary conditions [ True True True]
Random (unique) ID acdda55a8de87c24ec1f56472531e32b
Username mse-gucc
Volume of unit cell 96.260 Ang3